Friday 18 February 2011

Flash Back Friday: Weddings

Lovely new idea from Karin at Cafe Bebe! For my first Flash Back Friday here are some wedding photos from my family across the generations:

Great Grandparents 1915

Grandparents 1939
My parents 1967

Mine 2002


  1. Oh my totally brilliant are those!?! I adore the hat on your mum (I assume) in your wedding picture! Thanks so much for participating...I hope it will catch on a little bit but even if it doesn't, I'll still be there every Friday! ;)

    Have a great weekend Becky! ;)


  2. Wow! How amazing are those photos? How lovely that you have those in your procession. I love looking at old photos and yours go back so far! Great first flashback Friday entry :)

  3. That is such a brilliant idea - love how you posted all those great wedding pictures in a timeline - great way to compare the fashion and happy faces...

  4. :-O

    These are AMAZING! How great to compare them all like that - what a clever idea to do that and how lucky you are to have them all.

    Thank you for doing this, it's fabulous!

  5. Thanks for the idea Karin - I love sharing old photos - need to borrow my parents scanner I think :-)

    Jenny - our family on both sides have lots old photos back to Victorian times. I feel very lucky to have them

    Carolin - will try and do a similar thing with old photos next time :-)

  6. Brilliant photos, and a great 1st Friday flashback!

  7. Gorgeous photos, what a wonderful thing to have all those old photos. Amazing. x

  8. Beautiful photos! And dont you look like your Mum!!!! Great post x

  9. Wow, how lovely that you have pictures of your great granparents wedding! Lovely to see the differences in styles throughout the generatons. Great post.


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