It's been so relaxing being outside and just chilling together.
2) Family
We live near extended family up here and this week they were brilliant by helping out with a school run and baby sitting. Its lovely having people close by that care about us enough to disrupt their lives for us. As my children said its great to have a truly great great aunt!
3) Blue skies
Its been a bit of a shock to have all these days of sunshine back to back. But its lovely to wake up each day and see the blue sky:
Every day I think its the last one and things will revert to the rain that was an almost constant feature of 2012! However whilst it lasts I am not being put off my running as its lovely to be outdoors in the fresh air on days like this. Long may I want to do mad things like this route:
Create Maps or search from 80 million at MapMyRun
4) My children
This week mornings have been a lot less stressful. My daughter has set her own alarm and has been getting herself up 40 minutes before she used to wake up. She now gets herself all dressed and finds herself breakfast before I've made it downstairs myself! There are signs that little brother is marginally better in the mornings too though its early days yet and we still don't leave for school on time..
5) Photography
It's been fabulous to get such wonderful feedback about a couple of photographs this week including Astrid and My Girl. Definitely makes me cheerful to know that people love some of the photographs I take!
What's making you smile this week?