My last week hosting until March. I will be handing you back to the care of Ojo's World for February. Thanks for joining in this month its been fabulous to see all your positive posts.
1) Teaching
I am finally relaxing in my teaching practice with the younger ones. We have also had lots of fun with things like visiting birds of prey. Its fascinating to see how young children start to learn English and maths as well as wider subjects. I am doing such a variety of things including teaching singing so no two days are the same. I get to have a lot of fun too:
2) Running
My running is improving so much at the minute. I went out with a younger, fitter friend on Sunday in the pouring rain and broke my 1 km and 1 mile personal bests! It was nice to prove to myself that I can run fast I just need to keep it up. Here is my face when I realised what I had done:
3) Operation House
After a couple of hard work Saturdays things finally seem to be improving in our chaotic home! Even if its just an organised under sink cupboard in the kitchen and my daughter's room having a tidy bookcase:
That'll do for this week! I look forward to reading your posts..