Friday 29 November 2013

#FlashbackFriday When they were younger..

Just had a look back at some of my oldest photos on Facebook. My kids were oh so cute in their pre-school days:


  1. Woo hoo!!! I love it when a run feels easier than you feared it would. Well done. That is fab progress. What race is on 14/12? I am up for Liverpool 1/2. Fancy it?!

  2. WifeMumStudentBum29 November 2013 at 23:01

    You are doing fantastic. You are clearly well motivated. I am being lazy at the minute and have got no interest in it - what you are doing makes me want to get up and get on with it! x

  3. its the Langdale Xmas pudding! Not been brave enough to sign up for a 1/2 yet..

  4. Well done on your work out, I really need to get back to the gym1

  5. running is easier than gym as just shove on running shoes and get out the door!

  6. I would do, but I'm asthmatic and can't run for my life. i can do everything else apart from running :(

  7. They're both so cute. Your boy looks a lot like you in the last photo.

  8. I wish I could run, but I really can't :( need to get into shape, you are a great motivation

  9. Susan Styles You1 December 2013 at 12:22

    Good on you! I hate running. I'm a Zumba girl!

  10. You're putting me to total shame!! You do look fab for it though :) x


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