Saturday, 12 March 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful VII

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy From the Heart

Still feeling lots of positive vibes for Michelle's blog hop so here we go for this week:

1) My Usborne big launch in Staveley went really well on Saturday. Not only did I make good sales and make people aware that I'm around but enjoyed working with Treasure Trails Cumbria and Phoenix Cards.

2) The end of my marriage is in sight as the final financial hearing was this week. It was a very positive result for me and a milestone in my quest to start over.

3) I can relax a bit more as I've got Christians Against Poverty looking into how I can get myself back on to my feet financially.This has taken a weight off my shoulder and hopefully things will get straightened up soon.

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  1. Sounds like this has been a good week for you sweety! YAY! x

  2. Sounds like things are falling into place and you should be on the road to a much brighter future. Well done.

    Mich x

  3. Honest post whici I appreciate.
    I am a former debt counsellor so if I can help give a shout out. Other good help comes from Consumer Credit Counselling Service, National Debtline and Citizens Advice Bureau - all free too.
    My reasons are at


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