Thursday, 3 March 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful VI

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy From the Heart

Not sure if the signs of Spring and all the new life and blue skies but it's certainly easier to find 3 reasons to be cheerful for Michelle's blog hop! For her post click on the logo, for everyone else check out the blog hop at the end.

1) People are starting to comment more and more about how much slimmer I look! So I not only have the proof of the scales and the looser clothes but out of the mouths of other people. You'll have to wait until tomorrow to see how I did this week ;-)

2) Today I had confirmation of the dates I am going with my kids and mum for our prize 3 night break in Mallorca! We will be flying off in a couple of months time - I am going to gloss over the fact that we have to be at Leeds-Bradford airport in time to catch a 7 AM flight... Can't wait to have my children experience their first ever flight and first trip out of the country (I haven't done either since my honeymoon in 2002!)

3) As I said in my intro it really does feel like Spring is on its way which makes me feel all positive and full of beans! The snow drops and croci are almost being replaced by daffodils as you can see the plants getting ready to flower. Around us in Kendal there are increasing numbers of little lambs enjoying the sunshine. This week it has even been good enough to take the kids to the playground after school. It may not last but it really has given me a boost...

What is making you feel cheerful this week? Write a post then join in the blog hop:

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  1. well done on the weight loss and wow, what a prize?
    Spring certainly makes things lovelier and enhances the mood. I love the snowdrops, daffodils and crocus.
    New life features in my reasons over at

  2. Oooh, 3 nights in Mallorca sounds just the ticket, especially at this time of year when the weather can't make up its mind what to do. Have a great time.

    CJ xx

  3. Yaye! I have Spring on my list too :)

    I'm so jealous of your Mallorca break - have you got room in your suitcase for me?


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