Tuesday 30 March 2010

Mummy Olympics

With only 2 years left until London 2012 I thought it was time to introduce the Mummy Olympics... Here is the daily schedule:

Early Morning
  • Toddler clothes wrestling - get that reluctant child into the clothes you want them to wear
  • Primary schooler drag - pull the other reluctant child out from under their duvet
  • Laundry scoop & lift - pick up all those stray dirty clothes and carry down to the washing machine
  • Multiple stair climbing - make many trips back upstairs to find various items kids and yourself have left in the bedrooms / bathroom
  • Car seat wrestling - get the toddler in the car with seat belt fastened in less than 20 seconds
Mid Morning
  • Supermarket car park dash - chase the escaping toddler around car park before they get themselves run over
  • Toddler tantrum wrestling - hold that child tightly until they stop screaming about whatever it is that you won't let them have
  • Shopping weight lifting - get those heavy bags into the trolley, then into the car, then into your home
Lunch time
  • The snatch - grab those flying items of food or cutlery before they hit the floor or you
  • The juggle - see how many items your kids have collected at school you can carry back to the car without dropping them
  • Toddler chase - get toddler to bathroom, return toddler to bathroom, return toddler to bathroom - repeat until teeth cleaned, toileting completed and in bed time pants
  • Toddler return - carry toddler back up to bed, carry toddler back up to bed, carry toddler back up to bed - repeat until they give up
  • "Mummy I need" relay - take up forgotten water bottle, take up forgotten reading book, take up forgotten cuddly toy - repeat until it goes quiet
  • Grand finale - see how fast you can open that bottle of wine and collapse on the sofa...

Can you think of any more events to add to my list?


  1. Hey! How did you manage to get hold of my daily timetable???

    Anyway, some good news - you won one of the No More Chemicals cleaning packs from Mummy's Little Monkey. I'll organise for set to be sent directly to you. Can you email me your postal address, pretty please?

  2. I think you forgot the water events!

    I tagged you over at mine today - http://www.amothersramblings.com/2010/04/april-meme-all-about-springtime.html

  3. Funny! I think I'd add the Toddler Toy Hurdle Race, the dash across the kitchen having to avoid various toys that have been abandoned mid-play...!


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