Early Morning
- Toddler clothes wrestling - get that reluctant child into the clothes you want them to wear
- Primary schooler drag - pull the other reluctant child out from under their duvet
- Laundry scoop & lift - pick up all those stray dirty clothes and carry down to the washing machine
- Multiple stair climbing - make many trips back upstairs to find various items kids and yourself have left in the bedrooms / bathroom
- Car seat wrestling - get the toddler in the car with seat belt fastened in less than 20 seconds
Mid Morning
- Supermarket car park dash - chase the escaping toddler around car park before they get themselves run over
- Toddler tantrum wrestling - hold that child tightly until they stop screaming about whatever it is that you won't let them have
- Shopping weight lifting - get those heavy bags into the trolley, then into the car, then into your home
Lunch time
- The snatch - grab those flying items of food or cutlery before they hit the floor or you
- The juggle - see how many items your kids have collected at school you can carry back to the car without dropping them
- Toddler chase - get toddler to bathroom, return toddler to bathroom, return toddler to bathroom - repeat until teeth cleaned, toileting completed and in bed time pants
- Toddler return - carry toddler back up to bed, carry toddler back up to bed, carry toddler back up to bed - repeat until they give up
- "Mummy I need" relay - take up forgotten water bottle, take up forgotten reading book, take up forgotten cuddly toy - repeat until it goes quiet
- Grand finale - see how fast you can open that bottle of wine and collapse on the sofa...
Can you think of any more events to add to my list?