Thursday 26 June 2014

Reasons to be Cheerful #Juneathon and family fun

Ojos World

The lovely Jo is still our host over at Ojo's World this week then its back to me for July! I will have to be a lot more organised... Meanwhile here is why I am smiling this week:

1) Juneathon

This challenge is inspiring me to get out and run a lot more even on my normal rest days! I am getting much fitter and ran my longest non stop run yesterday. Today I had a bit of a break but even so I deliberately parked in the middle of the village and walk for some of the school run:

2) My daughter's residential

A year later than originally intended (due to having her tonsils out!) my daughter went on an adventure residential with her school. She had lots of fun doing all sorts of outdoor activities and came back exhausted! This was taken by one her class mates:

3) Fun with my son

Nice to have a little bit of time with just my son:

4) Guinea pigs

my daughter took this!


  1. Looking for Blue Sky26 June 2014 at 21:51

    Your daughter really looks like she's having fun and I get how good it must be to get some one on one time with your son! Not always easy to arrange x

  2. Looks like a fun week. Glad your daughter had fun and you got some one on one with your son.
    I love the picture your daughter took.

  3. Nice that your daughter got to experience the trip & you got some one on one! #R2BC

  4. It's always nice to have some one on one time with children, isn't it. And your daughter looks like she was fully enjoying the experience! lol x


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