Thursday, 1 November 2012

Reasons to be Cheerful: Halloween Edition ( #R2BC )

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

Joining in with Michelle for the linky this week is a lot easier than last week to find reasons to be cheerful!

1) School holidays

No school for any of us for a whole week is bound to make us cheerful! Nothing wrong with school or work but the lack of school runs is always a plus. All of us needed a break as I had been back for 2 months and the children for over 7 weeks and we were al tired.

2) Fun in Manchester

We had a super fun if long day to Manchester on Monday. Its just over an hour drive from us but has so much to offer its worth the drive. Firstly we went to the Chill Factore blog party to try out the snow fun (more on this to follow!.

Then we went to use our prize winning tickets at Legoland Discovery Centre. My son was slightly disappointed that there weren't roller coasters like at Windsor but we all had a great fun afternoon:

We rounded off with a short shopping spree for the children in the Trafford Centre, they had never experienced anything quite like it!

3) Forest Fun

Our trip to Whinlatter on Tuesday made us all smile. The fact that my post about it has been shared on Blogmouth is an extra bonus:

4) My Family

Thanks to being near my parents I have had lots of help this week. The chaotic state of the house had not improved due to my new job and my parents came round to help at least make a dent in the children's rooms and get some stuff either up in the loft or out to their garage!

They have also kindly given me their old washing machine as mine had died. Having gone for nearly a fortnight without a machine its really maling me smile.

What's making you smile this week?

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1 comment:

  1. The trip to Manchester sounds great, love the look of Chill Factore I bet it was good fun, have a lovely weekend x


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