I am sure we are all thinking that this nice weather can't last but making the most of it whilst it is here! Thanks for everyone who joined in last week and I do hope that I managed to visit you all... Now for this week's reasons to be cheerful for me:
1) A mended car!
My car has been playing up on and off all summer and I thought it was just the heat. The final straw came on Friday when it refused to restart as I tried to leave the supermarket and get to my training course.. As I was close to my garage I called them and they came with a courtesy car and took mine away. Not long after I finished for the day they finished fitting a brand new starter motor. So I now have a reliable car again - even if the bank balance took a little knock..
2) Confirmation of student status
I am now officially a student at Cumbria University as the paperwork took a while to clear! Nice to be able to get my NUS discount card for special offers. It should help to pay for all those text books I need..
3) Torchlight
I've already done a full blog post on the carnival as it was such an amazing evening. Made me so proud of our adopted town:
4) Lazy Sundays
After the excitement of Friday night and the fresh air on Saturday we were all a bit pooped on Sunday. A lazy start to the day was required so everyone piled onto my bed with their entertainment of choice:
5) Running
Finally got my Garmin to behave after I re-booted it - just shame it wiped a few runs off itself in the process.. At least today I went further than I have done since we broke up in the summer:
So now I have to keep it up to increase my non stop running back to the hour I did in July..
Please join us and share your happiness and grab the badge if you would like it: