Being a sponsor the restaurant were handing out balloons to everyone to wave. These didn't like the rain very much and bounced along the ground rather than floating! There were also plenty of street hawkers selling flags and inflatable torches. We missed out on free Coca Cola goodies as they were limiting the hand outs :-(

The atmosphere built as the police passed on information as to the progress of the torch. Then the early stages of the cavalcade passed us by. We were near a kiss point so the next torch bearer was dropped off and given a final briefing by a cyclist with an emergency back up torch on his back! She looked quite nervous but still managed to wave to the crowds.
Then the previous torch bearer appeared to cheers rolling down the street. They met in front of the library for the handover and the photo opportunity moment. That was the point all the grown ups stepped forward to snap and some of the children missed it - whoops!

Off went the torch to more cheers and we headed back to the car. At the last minute we realised the relay was looping round the car park so ran over in time to see it from above. This time my son actually got a good view!
So that's it for Cumbria and the torch relay. Next time we see it as a family will be in the Olympic stadium in August!
Update as to what I got to hold at work:
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