Friday, 28 October 2011

#FlashbackFriday: Brownies and Guides

There is a real treasure trove of photographs of me as a child that I've found on my mum's computer. Looking back its hard to imagine that I was ever that age but amazing how much I looked like my daughter.

Back in the 1970s things were more traditional than they are today so as a girl I joined  Brownies. I have to say that modern uniforms are a vast improvement on what we wore then:

My daughter very kindly said I looked like a coconut! I must have just taken my promise for the photo as I didn't have all the badges on my arm that I collected at the 3 Brownie packs I was in. I can remember cooking macaroni cheese for my cooking badge. Lots and lots of fun at indoor camps and I'm sure the skills I learned then have been useful throughout my life.

Then it was onwards and I joined the Girl Guides:

That looks like a Remembrance Day photo as I'm wearing a poppy. We were made of tougher stuff then as we weren't allowed to wear a coat over the uniform even in November! Another four years of fun with proper camping and plenty of badges earned.

I must have enjoyed it as I then carried on into Ranger Guides which was a combined unit with the Venture Scouts. Lots more freedom at this level and we did crazy things like the Tour de Trigs were we attempted to walk 50 miles in 24 hours (tried twice and failed both times!). There were plenty of community projects such as painting the milestones around Beaconsfield too. 

My Guiding career ended with a stint as a Young Leader to my old Brownie pack. Good fun being a Snowy Owl but I never carried on after I went to university. My daughter decided to be a Beaver and not a Rainbow and she is now about to take her promise as a Cub. I am glad that she has taken part in a uniformed organisation and hope she has as much fun as I did and learns some useful skills along the way. 


  1. What great pictures! I absolutely love looking through old pics and reminiscing :) x

  2. That Brownie photo could almost have been me!

  3. I dare you to dig your pic out then!

  4. I don't have any of me in my Brownie or Guide uniform. Will have to look through my parents' albums when I'm next in Whitehaven. I went on to Guides and then to be a Ranger in a joint Venture-Ranger Unit too - but I was never a Young Leader. But if your Guide photo was when you'd just joined then I must be a little bit older than you, because when I first started Guides it was still the cross tie (pinned with your enrolment badge) and untucked blouse.

  5. I was apparently first year of neckers!

  6. Got one now (taken Sept 1978) - here you go:

  7. Yay! Your uniform looked a bit longer than mine ;-)

  8. Yes, I was quite lanky but it was bought with growth in mind. You can see that the sleeves are rolled up! Note no Promise badge yet - I'd only just started when this picture was taken.

  9. Must have just made mine! My uniform was indecently short by time I left...


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