Saturday 13 April 2013

Feed the birds

We have been keen to encourage birds into our garden for a while but yesterday's visit to Leighton Moss has boosted this even more. The bird table in our garden has been attracting blackbirds and starlings but we want to see more birds like the tits etc we saw feeding at the RSPB reserve:

We have previously put out fats and seeds as well as nuts to attract birds in and we have now added dried worms (yum!):

Funnily enough the worms had already vanished by the time I went back for another look! We have also but a window feeder on the kitchen window that will hopefully attract visitors:

So far today I have seen a blue tit popping into the garden and the starlings enjoying the fat. A heron also flew over the field behind to remind me of the one that we enjoyed watching yesterday:

What sort of birds do you see in your garden? We now just need to discourage the neighbourhood cats and put up the nesting box!


  1. I put a bird feeding station in the front garden and have been taking photos of the visiting birds. There's been a nice selection of tits, starlings, robins, jays and thrushes. I've really enjoyed watching them, and today I took a photo of a heron at the local pond (and tomorrow's silent sunday!)

  2. It's lovely seeing them all. I will check out your heron!


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