Thursday, 15 September 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful XXII (#R2BC)

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

It's definitely not been a perfect week in our house but there are plenty of reasons for me to be smiling (just as well or I'd be swilling the gin!). So here you go for this week:

1) My children

My son is loving being at school and so far there have been no tears or tantrums from him about it. He's only done half days so far and is pretty wiped out but here's hoping full time school next week goes smoothly... The changes in him were commented on at Sunday School as apparently he sat down straight away and tackled all the craft projects with great enthusiasm! 

I was also told what a delight my daughter was to teach again back at school. Apparently she is very keen in class and loves doing the work. So glad she is saving all her bad behaviour for me at home!

2) Kendal Torchlight Procession

This was the 43rd year of the traditional ending to the main tourist season for Kendal. Plenty of floats and bands parade through the town entertaining a large chunk of the population. Last year it rained all evening but this year the weather held and we had a wonderful evening. My dad was taking part but the rest of us were able to applaud the entries and I was amazed at how many people I knew taking part (what a difference a year makes!). We would love to take part next year but need to work out how!

Kendal's very own Steve Hall from BGT!
3) Photography

I passed a milestone on my Blipfoto account by reaching 500 photographs (it took 501 days!). Since joining in this daily photo site I've really improved my techniques and I'm learning how best to frame a shot on my iPhone. One day I may be able to graduate to a real camera.

one of my favourite blips

4) Me

I seem to have loads more energy this term than I did for most of the holidays. I'm really determined to get things done now my children are both at school. It feels like I've hit the ground running by applying for a CRB check to volunteer at the school and I've asked for an application pack to be a Midday Supervisor! My diet seems to be a lot better too though I'll have to wait until later today to see whether I shifted my holiday pounds...

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  1. I am so pleased that school is going well

  2. I can't believe you took that photo on your iphone, it is amazing. So gald your little boy is doing well at school, my Mini Man started full time although our head is a bit of a no nonesense type woman as they only got 2 days of half days and then it was in full time!

  3. I like the honesty and humour in this post.
    That event sounds just fabulous and great you are so settled.
    Your "me" bit is very close to mine in some ways.
    My lot of chirpiness is over on the Kate on Thin Ice blog this week

  4. Wow that Kendal procession looks like loads of fun! And congrats re school, it's great when they love it :D

  5. The torchlight procession looks like fun, I love things like that.

    Thank you for joining in and linking up xx

  6. Aww glad your son is enjoying school and that your daughter is getting such glowing comments too!
    The end of season festival seems so cool!

  7. Glad school is going well and am loving the photography :)

  8. Sounds like a good week for all of you in your house. Onwards and upwards. Love the photo, by the way.

  9. Blip! Your photo was lovely! Very jealous!


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