Its the last Thursday in August so my last time hosting until October. I will be handing back to Michelle for September. The school holidays are racing to their finish and we have managed to pack quite a lot in. Here are a few things that have made me happy this week:
1) Kendal Museum
We went to the museum whilst friends were visiting. It was the first time for 4 years my son had stood next to the polar bear. What a difference:
2) Race photos
The official race photos from Grasmere Sports included this awesome one of my son's sprint for the line. He finished one second behind the boy in front:
3) Scottish Dancing
I went to the U3A country dancing class with my mum and my daughter. It always brings a smile on my face to have a go at Scottish dancing. Roll on November when we are going to a whole evening of it!
4) Peekaboo
I had fun tickling our neighbours' German Shepherd through the gate. He is a big softie to anyone he considers pack (which includes us and our guinea pigs!) but woe betide a stranger: