With the children and I back in routine last week it was a good chance to get some proper running in. So with the sun out on Thursday morning I headed off straight after dropping the children at school to head back to Kendal. I didn't push myself hard but enjoyed being out having the roads almost all to myself:
In fact I was enjoying myself much I thought I would just keep on going! I had to run past my estate and then go round it a couple of times to make it to 10 km but it wasn't tough (I had signed up to a challenge to run a 10 km event this month!). What turned out to be a bonus was that this turned out to be my fastest ever recorded 10 km (the Christmas Pudding came up as 9.9 km):
So it was a lovely feeling, just need to work on getting it under 1 hour.
When I saw the Forestry Commission mentioning their Get Fit in the Forest campaign I decided to combine our trip to do the Stick Man trail with an attempt at running in the forest. So once the trail was completed I got ready for a run and set off on one of the forest routes. I have to say its lovely to be running down paths like this:
It was very distracting to encounter views like this:
I have to say that the trails are pretty steep in the forest as its on a mountain but it was nice on the down hills and the flatter bits! Next time my son is going to come along with me so I need to find a better route...
After we left the forest I suggested we nipped up to Castlerigg Stone Circle and had a little family competition to run around it! Both kids were enthusiastic about this although my daughter dropped out after 2 laps. I went round 5 times before the sun set distracted me and I went into photographer mode. My son went on for ages:
Feeling a bit frustrated that since the weekend either myself or a child has been ill stopping me from running! Really hope I can get out tomorrow or Friday..
It's funny how the slimpod is subtly changing my eating habits. I've found myself better at listening to my stomach and not eating everything on my plate. Not all the time but hopefully my eating habits are improving. Obviously years of bad habits to over come! Have to admit to one glass of wine this week but only the one and will avoid for the rest of the month..
Don't forget there is still a week left to win 1 of 2 slimpods from Thinking Slimmer!