Friday, 3 January 2014

Toy review: Minecraft Paper Craft Shelter

There can't be many parents of school aged children who haven't heard of the computer phenomenon that is Minecraft. This addictive yet educational game has children all over the world well and truly hooked (I am still resisting installing it..). A new line of Minecraft Paper Craft sets have beeb brought which will lure your child away from the computer screen:

Minecraft paper craft shelter

My daughter was keen to try them out:

Minecraft paper craft shelter instructions

The pack was filled with lots of labelled sheets:

Minecraft paper craft shelter

You simply press out the pieces (not too forcefully):

Minecraft paper craft shelter

Then fold along the lines, form into shape and insert the tabs into the pre-cut slots:

Minecraft paper craft shelter forming boxes

It took a lot of concentration and there were a few cries of this is impossible:

Minecraft paper craft shelter concentration required

We found that our crafting sticks were very useful for helping the slots open safely (the instructions suggest a pencil):

Minecraft paper craft shelter partially constructed Steve

It was satisfying to complete Steve:

Minecraft paper craft shelter Steve

Then another fiddly bit to build his tame wolf:

Minecraft paper craft shelter putting wolf tail on

Minecraft paper craft shelter tame wolf

Then we moved on to constructing the main cubes:

Minecraft paper craft shelter brick cube

This got quite competitive between us to build all the varying cubes as fast as possible:

Minecraft paper craft shelter cubes

It took nearly 45 minutes to make everything but it was worth the effort once we started putting them together. There is mortar tape supplied to ensure that your construction doesn't collapse:

Minecraft paper craft shelter mortar tape

My daughter carefully put the blocks how she wanted them to go:

Minecraft paper craft shelter under construction

It looked very like the computer game when it was all together:

Minecraft Paper Craft shelter complete

I do hope that Steve and the wolf enjoy their new home:

Minecraft Paper Craft Steve and the wolf

We had so much fun working together that I am tempted for a future birthday or Easter to buy more from the range! This set has a retail price of £12.99. There are also smaller sets for around £9.99 and a bigger one for £19.99. A great way to get your Minecraft addict off their device...

We're going on an adventure