Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Quick Reads Review and Giveaway

Quick Reads is a literacy charity whose aim over the past seven years has been to introduce millions of people to the joys of reading by providing short, gripping, exciting books by bestselling writers and celebrities. The bite-sized books use clear language making them easy to read with fast-paced, brilliant story lines and are ideal for those who might feel too busy to try a longer book or for reintroducing those who haven’t picked up a book in a while to reading for pleasure. 

These books are priced at only £1 and are designed to only take a couple of hours to read and are not off putting to people that don't read a lot of books. They have just launched a new set of six books for 2013:

I was sent 3 of them to have a look at and today I picked up and read the first one:

Now I am a voracious reader so it only took me 30 minutes to finish whilst I was having my lunch! Its a romantic story about a young woman down on her luck and a policeman trying to decide on his future. Even in such a short story the characters have plenty of detail and there is a decent plot line. A nice way to fill your lunch hour or to read on the train to work. 

I will be having a read of the other two books as the week goes on but meanwhile here is your chance to win your own complete set of books. Just use the Rafflecopter widget to enter:

a Rafflecopter giveaway