Monday, 2 September 2019

Reasons to be Cheerful: End of Summer #R2BC

R2BC at Mummy from the Heart 

I am joining in a bit late again this week with Michelle for her last hosting of the linky as its now September (so I need to be more organised to host!). The end of the summer holidays and preparing to go back to school is whizzing by really fast but I have plenty of reasons to be cheerful:

1) Parkrun milestone

I was very pleased to be able to capture the moment one of the Fell Foot parkrun stalwarts Conrad completed his 200th parkrun. Despite being in his 80s he is there almost every week and often tail walks. Well done Conrad and here's to the next 200:

Fell Foot parkrun milestone

2) Fun Night

My daughter's support group had its annual BBQ and we both had a brilliant evening. Lots of fun and games and she helped a new member to feel very welcome. I nearly got banned from Pictionary for being too quick to get it right (it did help that I was sober as driving!):


3) A-pen-dectomy

My printer hadn't been working since the great room reshuffle and I was beginning to think I would have to fork out for a new one! Luckily with my dad's help I managed to get the printer apart and then discovered that a biro had wedged in the feed mechanism. As my dad said I had to perform an a-pen-dectomy with the tweezers to get the pen out:

4) Parkrun tourism

Being away this weekend down near Reading gave both my son and I a chance for some parkrun tourism. On Saturday I got up far too early to head to Dinton Pastures country park for a beautiful run around the Black and White Swan lakes:

Dinton Pastures Country Park

Sunday was a more reasonable start as Woodley junior parkrun was at 9:30. My son had his best ever finish position of 2nd but was disappointed with a 7:24 minute 2km (I'd be cocker hoop!):

Woodley junior parkrun runner with flying feet

5) Fun with friends

We were down near Reading for one of our 3 get togethers with my school friends and their families. Once my son gets used to being out numbered 7:1 by the girls he has lots of fun with both them and the men who are at the lunch:

swingball in the garden

So as you can see its been a great last week of the holidays. I go back to school on Wednesday and my on Thursday so let's hope we can keep on being cheerful as we get back into routine.

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  1. I'm writing this on Tuesday so enjoy your last day of holiday! Now I'm going back to read about your week in Wales. Good luck for a great academic year! xxx

  2. Marta - Imperfect Life Balance3 September 2019 at 17:19

    Yes, the pictonary is probably easier when sober :) But it's probably more fun to watch after participants had a coctail :) And I love teh A-pen-dectomy ;)

  3. These are some great reasons to be cheerful! Conrad sounds like an amazing gentleman!

  4. Love your upbeat post. It's hard realising that Summer is just about over and we will soon be into short winter days!

  5. Good job for me that autumn is my favourite season!

  6. Wow, 200 Park runs! Well done that man. Sounds like you've had a fun summer, good luck getting back to routine xx


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