Friday, 24 October 2014

Reasons to be Cheerful: Running and Dr Who #R2BC

Ojos World

The hop is still being hosted by the lovely Jo at Ojo's World and she is doing a great job this month at encouraging us all to share the happiness posts. So here are mine for this week:

1) Parkrun

We finally got a South Lakes Parkrun and typically it rained! But it was amazing to be part of history in the making at a debut run and my son was amazing. Hopefully once he starts his fell running training at the Helm Hill Runners he will learn how to run faster and better - leaving me in his wake..

2) Dr Who

My children and I were all very happy that Dr Who featured at the Comic Arts Festival this weekend. My son had 2 visits as his school went during the week and he travelled back in time to see the dinosaurs being wiped out apparently! I was just chuffed to get in a T.A.R.D.I.S.:

 3) School Trips

My daughter apparently had a pretty amazing time on her school trip to York. Its such an amazing city packed with so much history. Think I may have to go there without my children as I have to wait for my son to have done the year 6 trip before we can go as a family!

4) Parents' Evening

To know that my children are doing well academically at school is reassuring. My son has transitioned well into juniors from infants and so far is doing very well. In her last year at primary my daughter is well on track for good SATs results too.

5) Operation House

Obviously not a lot gets done at the minute but I have been working on building a bookcase to house my increasing collection of teaching books:

What are your reasons to be cheerful?

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  1. I think we're all having positive school meetings. My middle boy enjoys the park runs, they are great events aren't they? Xx

  2. Looking for Blue Sky24 October 2014 at 14:03

    Well done on the Park Run and I love the TARDIS photo!

  3. I hope to do lots more! Some not so good stuff at mine too but that's not for this post ;-)

  4. it was so much fun - well they both were :-)

  5. Awesome work! I recently had an operation so can't run for a few weeks yet. I can't wait to get out in the dark, I do love it so :) Just remember that high viz gear! x

  6. hope you are back out soon, I have a really garish pink top for night time :-)

  7. Yay! to good parents meetings & love the Tardis photo #r2bc

  8. Well done - you both look very happy! That cake is well deserved x

  9. Coombe Mill (Fiona)25 October 2014 at 23:23

    Well done to you and your son, I love the photo at the end happy and wet! Running with stunning scenery around you makes all the difference, not to mention with your family and lots to cheer you on, what a great experience. Thank you for sharing with me on Country Kids. I have a feeling you will both smash your own targets next time.

  10. WOW that is a great achievement. Well done :) x


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