Monday, 2 January 2012

Hopes for 2012

Looking back on 2011

Before I set these out for this year I guess I ought to see if I managed the ones I wanted for 2011:

I will get into better shape!

Yes I am slimmer, lighter and healthier than a year ago so that's one tick!

I will finish moving into my new home!

Well this is still a work in progress but we have swapped all 3 bedrooms round instead..

I will encourage my kids to be tidier - by leading by example!

Think we have had some progress but we all have lots of years od bad habits to lose...

I will start working out how to get myself off benefits and self-sufficient!

Well I've got a few little businesses ticking over but still not quite enough to be self sufficient. With government rule changes I'll have to see what happens next.

100 Books in 2011

This was the gauntlet I threw down to myself back in December 2010 thanks to Book Chick City. If my records are correct I read 90 books but I didn't log all the ones I read with my children so I may have managed it!

Looking forward in 2012

So what shall I challenge myself to do this year? I did post some resolutions on Twitter on New Year's Eve after a few glasses Prosecco so guess I have to stick to them:

Lose 2 stone

Learn to finish one job before starting another

Learn to knit

Read 100 books in 2012

So let's see how those ones go!