Thursday, 3 November 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful XIV ( #R2BC )

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

Michelle on a blog break at the minute so this it being guest hosted for 5 weeks! Today's hostess with the mostest is Emma at a Matter of Choice.

Things feeling pretty positive for me again this week so here is what is making me smile:

1) Family Fun

We rounded off the school holidays with a 3 generation trip on the bus to Keswick to try out the leisure pool up there. It was a bit of a shame that it was a very wet day so we couldn't see the fabulous views properly from the top of the bus but it was a good fun change:

The pool itself was great for all of us for a splash around (not cheap at £15 for 4) with shallow sloping beach type bits, a wave machine and a black hole flume. My 8 year old and I had quite a few goes on the flume but the others stayed jumping in or playing catch with a beach ball. Think we will go back again sometime but save it for a special treat.

2) Halloween/Bright Lights

My children once again went to the free party at our church St Thomas Kendal and had hot dogs, cakes, party games and fireworks. Then they were allowed their first ever trick or treating in our street. Being a family estate all the trick or treaters going round seemed very nice and it was a lovely atmosphere so guess I'll let them do it again next year!

Best dressed house in the road

3) My son

He is so very nearly 5 and growing up fast. At swimming this week he swam quite away unaided on his front and is getting more confident with floats on his back. At parents' evening I was told he was settling in well and was doing his best to obey class rules. His phonic starting sounds are really coming on and we just need to work on his fine motor skills.

4) My daughter

Her cycling is carrying on getting better and despite a big crash resulting in a bloody nose she is loving to be out on her bike as much as possible. She even managed to cycle all the way to church and back on Sunday with very little fuss. Her parent's evening report was that she was very enthusiastic and knowledgeable. For reading she is about 6 months ahead of her age and her spelling has improved. Just need to practice those times tables and joined up handwriting...

5) Operation 3rd bedroom

Apart from the fact the front room, landing and bedrooms 1 & 2 are chocker block with temporarily homeless items this is coming on well. My dad took out the fitted shelves and plastered the holes over making enough room for a bed. I had a lucky moment in Morrisons and spotted an ad for a second hand cabin bed going cheap so that will make the transition much quicker. Next step is to construct the bed in place and then move his stuff in there from his current bedroom.

6) (late update) Diet

I finally lost weight again this week after wobbling for most of October! Only a 1lb but hoping that its all a start of a downward trend to last until Christmas... I've joined up with the Twitter #NoAlcoholNovember pledge so hope that has the same result as last year. Not necessarily the booze that's the problem but the reduced self control to snack after a glass of wine!

Click on the linky to see who else is smiling:

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