Friday 23 April 2010

Kindness of a stranger

One of Josie's Writing Workshop prompts this week is to blog about a random act of kindness that we have either received or given and this brought back memories for me...

It was mid September last year and just over a month since my husband had left home for his new girlfriend. Things were so new I was trying to carry on as normal. 

I had made a booking for a book stall at a dog show weekend at the Hop Farm months before and couldn't afford to lose the money. So for 2 days on the trot I had to get both my kids up at 6 AM to drive to the venue and set-up. At least on the second day my mate Sarah was helping out. The days were very long and the profit was not very high so I was feeling very down. At least the kids had had fun seeing all the dogs and looking around but it really hadn't been worth the effort. 

As it was fairly late in the day that we finished each day we had tea at the Little Chef on the way home. On the second night the manager remembered us and is it was very quiet stopped for a chat. I told him what a crap weekend I'd had and he told me that his restaurant was in danger of closure as the company was only leasing the land. 

The kids and I ate our dinner and the manager came back over. He told us that a man had paid for our dinner as he overheard the conversation. I nearly burst into tears. The manager said he had never had anyone do that before! This is something that happens in stories and not to real people...

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