We were given complimentary tickets to see Cirque du Hilarious in Blackpool. I had heard great things about their show from people that had seen it at Butlins so I was looking forward to it. There was no mistaking the venue when we met two of the lovely dancers outside the theatre:
I had met up with a fellow blogger Nickie from Typecast and the children in our party grabbed a table right up next to the stage and the grown ups sat behind:
Its an intimate venue and it was pretty full on that afternoon. You really feel like you are part of the action and we were certainly up close to the dancers as they strutted their stuff:
The show is a mix of comedy, magic and dance with the two leads Clive Webb and Danny Adams ably supported by the other cast members. Four of them are family which really helps them work together as a team.
There were magic tricks that had the children gasping and the parents trying to work out how they did it:
The audience were a part of the show too and if you sit in front of the stage be prepared!
The jokes and gags took us back to the kind of comedy that was on the TV when we were children. Some of the humour was slapstick and others visual:
In the small venue the bangs were pretty big and made us all jump:
There were plenty of quiet "aah" moments too:
And a few "ooh er" ones too:
My children were transfixed:
The multi talented team ended up with some musical numbers to show us their full range of skills"
Afterwards the main stars signed autographs and posed for photos:
All in all a great show for the whole family in a long line of sea side traditional shows. I would say well worth the £26 for a family.
To see what else we got up to in Blackpool then head over here.