This is a story best told in photographs so here I go:
We parked at Heron Corn Mill:
Then we followed footpaths and roads to climb up through woods full of snowdrops:
The footpaths were well signposted so we didn't get lost:
Then we reached the Fairy Steps:
It was very exciting squeezing down the tight path:
A bit tricky for adults with rucksacks on their backs:
Eventually we all made it through:
After walking through more woods we eventually came out above the Kent and Bela estuaries:
These hide quicksand and fast rising tides so beware! Luckily the old railway line is a footpath along part of the shoreline:
We then found a tree so big it took all 5 of us to hug it:
The last stretch of the walk was through the grounds of Dallam Park which is home to a herd of 100 deer (which kept out of camera range). The path is subtly marked across the grass:
We then explored the partially restored Heron Corn Mill. Shame it wasn't in action.
My mum then treated us to coffee and a snack at Beetham Nursery - delicious!