Thursday, 8 March 2012

Crazy Soap - Review and Giveaway

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I was sent two sets of Crazy Soap to review with my children and the chance to give away 5 sets to my readers. The sets contain three items:

  • Crazy Soap Foam (RRP £2)
  • Crazy Soap Paint (RRP £2.49)
  • Crazy Soap Bath Goo (RRP £2.99)

My daughter was very keen on being the first of my children to try out the products! She decided which colours were hers and headed for the bathroom. The instructions on the goo say to scoop and put under water for bubbles. By the second bath I had got the hang of putting it under running water to get great bubbles:

The bath foam squirts out into a very firm mouldable soap. Children can make all sorts of shapes with it before using it to clean themselves. Next up was the body paint. This squeezes on to a sponge for easy application:

Both children had fun "painting" themselves and then washing it off. All the different colour soaps successfully changed the colour of the water. I did find that too much foam made the bubbles vanish.

My children enjoyed the products so much they are asking for baths more often! I like the fact that they can make a mess that cleans itself.

You can buy Crazy Soap from many supermarkets and chemists. To be in with a chance of winning one of 5 sets then please use the Rafflecopter draw:

a Rafflecopter giveaway