You know it's amazing what turns up when you decided to go tidy up the garden shed! When I moved into my house just over a year ago there was a wooden box with what looked like nothing in particular in it so it got shoved out of the way in the shed. Today having taken my bicycle out for a long over due overhaul I had the space to shift things around.
I was surprised to find several photos from about 1973 in the box (I daren't post the one of my mum complete with trendy perm and Clothkits top!). They must have been taken when my mum was assisting at the Pre-School Playgroups Association in Netherton outside Huddersfield. I am guessing on the date as I look somewhere around the 2 1/2 year old mark:
You have to just love the massive collar and the corduroy flowery dress! Funny how my daughter's hair does a similar flick if we leave it too long between cuts. I look very solemn in the shot I must have been told to sit still for the photographer!
What old photographs have you got lurking in strange places that you are to share?