Friday, 16 September 2011

EX Smokers Are Unstoppable

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This is a campaign close to me heart as I hate my children (and indeed myself!) being exposed to second hand cigarette smoke.

The EX Smokers Are Unstoppable campaign aims to emphasize the life-changing benefits of giving up smoking. The campaign wants to encourage and assist people to quit. Moving towards a SMOKE-FREE EUROPE

Tobacco is the single largest cause of avoidable death in the EU.

The EX Smokers Are Unstoppable campaign aims to emphasize the life-changing benefits of giving up smoking. The campaign wants to encourage and assist people to quit with the help of their new icoach program, hoping to ensure that up-and-coming generations live long and healthy lives in a smoke-free Europe.

“Ex-smokers are unstoppable” is a three-year awareness raising campaign promoted by the European Commission. The campaign provides smokers with motivation to quit and - very importantly - with practical assistance. The campaign highlights ex-smokers as inspiring individuals and role models who encourage current smokers to quit.


Free – you can’t argue with that!
It works – more than 30% who start the programme quit smoking
For everyone – even for smokers that are not quite ready to quit
For you – adapts to your needs, your time, and your goals
Friends – speak to people like you and get support from a dedicated community