Tuesday, 6 September 2011

New term, new....

Tomorrow is the first day of day of the new school term up here in Cumbria. After a long wet summer holiday my daughter will be heading into year 3 and my son starting in Reception. It will be a whole new experience for all of us.

New to Junior School

My daughter may find it a shock to the system moving to the more formal schooling of juniors. We are going to have to get use to the joys of proper homework so guess I need to start as I mean to go with ensuring she gets it done. This is her second year at this school so I hope it goes at lot smoother than last year. I hope that she learns to control her temper and emotions better so she can settle and make stronger friendships.

New to School

My son will be part time at big school for the first 2 weeks. The transition from nursery school to Reception is designed to make it as smooth as possible for the children. He is very excited about going and I'm sure he will be perfectly happy. I think its going to be harder for him to have to wait until the afternoon to go in wearing his new uniform (which I've spent too much time labelling!):

New mummy

I'm going to be on my own for most of the day 5 days a week from the end of the month. This opens to many opportunities for me:
  • sorting out the house and getting a proper housework routine (FlyLady here I come!)
  • expanding my existing Usborne book business
  • getting going with the family history business
  • finding a part time paid job to fit into school hours (not an easy thing to do)
  • getting into shape with Rosemary Conley (school holidays not good for my weight!)
It will be interesting to see how it goes for all of us so watch this space....