Well the good news is that having gone for my first Rosmary Conley session since before Christmas is that I didn't gain weight over Christmas! So I am starting 2011 without having gone backwards and adding to the weight I need to lose.
Last week's progress
As of the 2nd January I got back on the healthy eating programme and have cut out the naughty snacks and the alcohol. I am fitting in more walking into my daily schedule and went to my Rosemary Conley class which includes a 45 minute workout (hard work after month off!). At the class I tried to stick to doing the level 3 toughest routine which is higher impact and much more energetic.
This week's plan
On the eating front I am doing the 5 day 5 lb plan as featured in the Rosemary Conley magazine this month. This should give me a real boost to the new year and get me close to losing the first stone since I started my class in October last year (had a couple of backward steps due to my birthday!). After that I will attempt to stick to the kick start rules of a maximum of 1200 calories a day for 14 days in total.
As my exercise class is only once a week at the minute I need to add more into the other 7 days. Having watched BBC 10 Things You Need to Know About Losing Weight when it was repeated last night I know that adding any little extra activity in our day can help. Using some Christmas money I have bought the Wii Just Dance 2 game as this is exercise I can do with the kids. My daughter has promised to help me get up early one day each week to do an exercise session before school, she is also encouraging me to walk more. Pippa and I have challenged each other to run up and down the stairs once an hour from 8AM to 6PM via Twitter.
Watch this space for next week's update and hopefully a good start to 2011.