Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Bloggy Moms: Dare 4: Why I started blogging

a mom blog community

I wasn't sure I wanted to do this one I was worried about how I started the blog! Then I checked my first post: Starting Off from back in November 2008 and it just comes across as banal...

So why did I start blogging in the first place? Back then I had just lost 5 stone at Lighter Life and was feeling really positive. The blog was my way of starting a new phase in may life having just started to sell Usborne books (successfully) and even trying some sales calls for a web site (not very successfully!) as well as my paid part time job.

My marriage was already a bit flaky and I didn't really have anyone to talk to so I decided to post to the Internet instead. As its not an anonymous blog I never got into specifics back then and only intermittently posted. It is only since my husband left that the blog has developed from that to a way to get things of my chest and now more of an informational blog sharing ideas and events.