Thursday, 27 November 2014

Reasons to be Cheerful November's nearly over #R2BC

Thank you Jo for sorting out last week's linky whilst I was busy on my teaching practice! She will be running the linky for December.

1) Proud Mum #1

My son smashed his PB again at Fell Foot Parkrun knocking another 30 seconds off his time, this time he didn't let me slow him down so much and hared off after his friend! His time of 31 minutes and 30 seconds is a time that is faster than my all time record for 5k so I guess I need to get in shape to catch him..

2) Proud Mum #2

My daughter (who hates running) took part in a cross country competition for her school. Proud of her for giving it a go even though its not her sport and she is not a natural runner. Wonder if she will have another go...

3) New guinea pig hutch

The guinea pig hutch we were kindly given earlier this year was showing signs of age and falling apart. So we acquired a newer one that will keep the furry members of our family safe outside until winter fully sets in:

Please join us and share your happiness and grab the badge if you would like it, don't forget the Google+ community too:

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Reasons to be Cheerful 

Saturday, 22 November 2014

#CountryKids Sporty Saturday at Fell Foot Park

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

As regular readers know my son and I run Fell Foot Parkrun every Saturday. Big sister is a marshal so we all take part. Today there it was a slightly smaller field than normal on a damp morning with muddy conditions. Both of the runners had acquired trail shoes to cope with the slippery footing:

I wasn't feeling as fit as last week and my son stayed in front of me all the way around! I came in slightly slower than my PB but still my second fastest on the course:

Official times due on Monday so looking forward to seeing how my son did! 

Meanwhile having marshalled my daughter decided it was her turn to have some sporty fun and stripped down to her wet suit:

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Reasons to be Cheerful: Learning Lessons #R2BC

Thank you Jo for sorting out this week's linky whilst I was busy on my teaching practice! I have had a roller coaster week so I need to focus on this week's reasons to be cheerful for me:

1) Running away 

Well not quite but if you read my Workout Wednesday post you can see its been my best running week for quite some time!

2) Teaching Successes

Its a steep learning curve being a trainee primary teacher and having to know 13 subjects and how to teach to a range of children! Most lessons its ever so easy to not get it right so to have a fabulous French lesson today made me feel great. 

3) Autumn in Cumbria

This is definitely one of the most beautiful times of the year to be living in Cumbria:

See my Silent Sunday for another Fell Foot photo.

Please join us and share your happiness and grab the badge if you would like it:

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Reasons to be Cheerful 

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Workout Wednesday Pushing the PBs!

My son is making a great pace maker at Fell Foot Parkrun. Once again this Saturday he pulled me round faster and (despite slipping over!) I once again knocked lots of time off my previous PB and so did he:

The event is such a fun and friendly one that all of us love including my daughter who enjoys marshalling!

Tonight I finally got out for a decent run after a few weeks of being too busy. Trying hard to be in shape for my 10 km race on the 6th December. I was worried that I would struggle with a 40 minute non stop run with only 3 minutes to recover before a final 10 minutes. Turned out I needn't have worried as I ran the fastest training run I have done for months (despite having to dodge crowds of running club members!).

I just have to try and squeeze in a few more training runs around my teacher training..
Single Parent Pessimist

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Reasons to be Cheerful: Family Fun #R2BC

My teacher training course is getting really manic so I apologise for not visiting everyone on the hop so far! We have managed to have some fun despite my heavy workload though so here are this week's reasons to be cheerful for me:

1) Running our best 

My son and I ran our second Fell Foot Parkrun this weekend. Not quite sure how but he shaved 40 seconds off his PR for the course I was 46 seconds faster:

2) Birthday Fun

My children both had an amazing time celebrating their birthdays at Tree Top Nets. It was a real experience for all of us:

3) My kids

With life being manic I spent a lot of time just enjoying being a mum this weekend:

Please join us and share your happiness and grab the badge if you would like it:

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Reasons to be Cheerful 

Monday, 10 November 2014

#CountryKids Tree Top Nets at Brockhole

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

For my children's birthdays they decided to take a couple of friends each to Tree Top Nets at Brockhole. These are a new idea for children (and adults) aged 3 and over to enjoy fun up to 9 m off the ground without the need for helmets and safety lines! You ascend up a netting tunnel to reach the main area:

The height is more obvious from below:

The children went flying up to the top, I was a lot more cautious as it sways more with an adult weight! Once you get to the top then there is a large complex of nets with plenty of room for children to run around:

Friday, 7 November 2014

#CountryKids Big Swim

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

There is nothing like simple and free activities on holiday to keep everyone happy. In our case being in the sea and making the most of the waves and shallow waters was fantastic:

It was a contrast in so many ways to our Pembrokeshire holiday as the water was warmer and the waves less fierce. By the last day they were tempted to do a long distance swim and did about a mile in a stop start fashion along the beach:

They were very tired but proud afterwards:

Here is a little video of more water fun:

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Reasons to be Cheerful: November Time

Thanks to Jo at Ojo's World for hosting in October. It's back to me for November so let's hope I can remember to put the posts up! Now for this week's reasons to be cheerful for me:

1) Holiday

You may have noticed its been quiet on the blog this week. Something to do with being away for half term in sunny Spain! I did sneak in one photo post on Wednesday but I hope at some point to write more about what a super time we had in Marina D'Or:

2) Proud Mum 

My daughter has now been a guide for a year and last night received her first Challenge badge for completing various activities and badges:

3) Running

I actually took my running kit on holiday and ran 5km on our first whole day! I know that with my 10km race only a month away I can't afford to slack off... Despite the fact that it was 22C I did a creditable time:

The wiggly bits are weaving through the sea front gardens!

When we got home my running number for Langdale had arrived which was more motivation to get out last night for a tough session of 40 minutes non-stop before a rest then 10 minute finishing run. I was pleased at how my running times are creeping closer to my bests so there is hope for me on December 6th...

Please join us and share your happiness and grab the badge if you would like it:

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Reasons to be Cheerful