Saturday, 5 October 2013

Review: Wild Science - Magic Nail Laboratory

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We were offered a chance to try out the Magic Nail Laboratory from Interplay. My daughter loves painting nails so I said yes please. The kit comes with everything needed to make your own nail varnish and to apply it:

The instructions are very comprehensive including protecting the surfaces you are working on before starting:

Then after I had read the safety instructions (things like not letting children eat contents and keep away from eyes) my daughter sat down to make her own varnish. She needed no help from me at all:

Then of course she needed a willing victim volunteer to try her creations out on:

It was quite a relaxing experience and she didn't do a bad job and the polish went on really easily (yes I did have all the colours on each foot!):

Of course I had to put some on for her as well:

I have to report that the nail varnish has lasted pretty well on the toes. So she must have made a good job of making it! She also does a pretty good manicure too:

At £12.99 this is well priced for a kit that combines science and beauty. Aimed at 10+ which is about right as my daughter is almost 10 and had no trouble with it. It would be a great basis for a sleep over or girls' party.