Thursday, 29 December 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful XXXI ( #R2BC )

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

Nice and easy this week to find reasons to be cheerful!

1) Christmas

Well it has been a Happy Christmas for me so that is the first reason to be cheerful. I started the day with my children opening their stockings on my bed, then a trip to church and then spent the rest of the day with my parents. My children were the best behaved they have been for a long time and it was a pretty relaxed day.

2) Family

With it being Christmas I have seen more of my wider family with cousins travelling up for part of the festivities, seeing my Granny on Christmas Eve and a southern aunt and uncle yesterday. Seeing family is one of the most important bits about Christmas for me.

3) Family fun outdoors

We have had some lovely walks around Cumbria to get us out and about this holiday. Firstly we went up The Helm on Boxing Day. On Tuesday we went to Elterwater and Little Langdale. Living in such a beautiful part of the world always makes me smile.

4) Beasts and Beauties

For the second year running Spike Theatre have been responsible for the Christmas production at the Brewery Arts Centre in Kendal. This year it was a re-write of 8 fairy tales performed on a very simple set by an ensemble cast in 18th century costume. They also used some puppetry and costumes to change the scene for each tale.

Some of the stories were scary and some were funny for a good mix. My 5 year old spent much of the show perched on the edge of his seat he was so in to it. A very versatile cast who put on a range of accents and both acted and sang their parts. There was the odd fluffed line but they built up quite a rapport with the audience and there was some audience participation involved.

5) Night's Out

We went out last night as  a family to the house of a nursery friend of my son's. The children had fun with the other children and I got to meet some new adults. A lovely relaxing evening in good company.