Thursday, 22 April 2010

What's in the bag...

The delightful Super Single Mummy has challenged me to a meme about checking out the contents of my handbag.... this could be dangerous but I will rise to the challenge!! 

funny mark in front was from an orange resting against it :-(

Front pocket:

2-4-1 vouchers from WH Smith for UK attractions
son's pocket money purse
daughter's pocket money pot
children's savings accounts books
children's WHSmith Xmas tokens
children's M&S Xmas tokens
my Sainsbury's Xmas token cover but not token
daughter's Argos gift card
son's Argos gift card cover but no token
several old till receipts
3 out of date money off vouchers for Sainsbury
2 chocolate lollipops
a 1967 One Penny piece

side pocket one:

Anti-bacterial hand gel
lollipop wrapper
a few beads from the necklace my daughter threw out of my bedroom window

side pocket two:

my knackered iPhone
some beans from my aunt's garden that were left over from last year and my daughter picked off the bush at Easter!

back pocket:

plastic bag that had covered my daughter's rulers ruler from Brougham Castle

Main part:

Healthy Start voucher letter
spare pair son's socks
empty envelope my Sainsbury gift token was in
Active Kids vouchers
spare pair son's trousers
Costa Coffee Club card
Sat Nav
another spare pair son's socks
online banking card reader
packets of sugar from a coffee shop
a klippit bag clip
a drumstick lolly
pony in my pocket
mini bank statement
sweetie wrappers

Phew that's it!! good excuse for a clear out... anyone spot what is missing from my hand bag??

OK so let's see what's lurking inside the bags of BumblingTweets and VioletPosy