Monday, 22 August 2022

Wainwright Challenge: 17/214 Grisedale Pike


After finishing at Workington parkrun, I decided to nip up Grisedale Pike on my way home. Of course I was fully kitted out as its 790m of elevation to the summit. I had been part way up whilst videoing the Grisedale Grind in 2019 but hadn't made to the top (this seems to be a common theme!) so I knew the basic route up. It was a shock to get to the car park and discover it was closed! A lovely lady at the main Whinlatter visitor centre assured me that the footpath was still accessible and explained the route:

Grisedale Pike

The trail is easy to follow as the Forestry Commission put in plenty of signs and maintain the access:

Grisedale Pike

On my way up, I saw virtually no-one. This is probably because it is so, so steep compared to the longeridge route from Braithwaite:

Grisedale Pike

Luckily, I wasn't in a hurry and took lots of chances to rest and take in the view. I could see plenty of people hiking and taking bikes up the adjacent ridge. The wind was getting stronger as I approached the summit and by the time I got there I had to sit down for my summit selfie:

Grisedale Pike

Grisedale Pike

Going down was a lot quicker! I did enjoy meeting some of the locals and appreciated more views:

Grisedale Pike

At the visitor centre, the helpful lady was pleasantly surprised at how quickly I had made it back. My reward was a tasty treat from Siskens cafe:

Grisdale Pike