1. Link up a post about something that is making you happy or grateful. It can be a list, photos or any way you fancy
2. Add the #R2BC badge (at the end of this post) onto your post or blog so that people can easily find the linky and join in too if they want to
3. Share the love. This is the really important bit. Please don't just link and run, comment on at least a couple of posts and why not share with #R2BC too?
I'll stop by all linked up posts to comment and I'll share on social media too
Being stuck at home can be lonely but so many of my friends and family are checking in on me and looking after me. It makes me realise that I am not alone even when I can't get out. It's the little extra things like chocolates included in my shopping too!
The online worldwide community is fabulous too with the rainbows spreading around the globe.
2) Making others smile
I've been dressing up in something from my dressing up box every day. It's helping to make other people smile so its a good thing all round:
3) Time
I've been short on time recently due to work commitments and all our activities. Now we don't have any where to go we have so much of it! My son has been baking:
Now it is over to you...