Monday, 23 March 2020

Into the unknown - Day4

I am writing this just after Boris Johnson announced that the UK is now in lockdown. We are heading even more into the unknown as we battle against this pandemic. I will keep on trying to post positive posts and doing my silly things to try and raise smiles whilst we are stuck indoors! 

So today I joined in with over 1 million people around the world with a Joe Wicks PE workout:

That set me up for the day! As the sun was shining I could also get another lot of washing on the line, today I hung it out whilst dressed as a pirate:

I had been worried about how I was going to top up my electricity meter as it needs to physically be taken to a shop! My lovely neighbour agreed to take it for me and we used sensible precautions to get the card exchanged. It was then time to check out the bread I had baked last night:

Whilst its far from perfect it was great dipped into soup and my son had to ask me to hide it as he kept on picking at it! He managed to complete some of the work his school have set via the computer. Yes we had some grumbles and he hasn't done all of it but it's a start. This afternoon he insisted that we both went out into the back garden for some more fresh air:

It was then time for my 2nd YouTube mass session. This time for the Garth Malone public choir:

I am looking forward to a daily sing song to keep my brain active. My brain has also been keeping fit by helping parents make sense of the children's school work. English grammar is so much more complicated at school than it used to be!

We are still benefiting from more time to make meals from scratch and both of us have increased our daily intake of fruit and vegetables. Let's hope it helps keep us healthy over the coming weeks: