Saturday, 27 April 2019

Reasons to be Cheerful: Cats and Dogs #R2BC

R2BC at Mummy from the Heart 

I love joining in with Michelle our lovely hostess this month. Finally sat down long enough to write my post this week! Here are some of my reasons to be cheerful this week:

1) Filming on Cat Bells

I have been filming in a gorgeous location again up on Cat Bells over Derwentwater. My son did one of the junior races:

I really enjoyed being up there on a beautiful day:

2) Puppy Love

I love seeing the affection between my daughter and her puppy:

3) Bluebells

I love this time of year when the bluebells are out:

Saturday, 20 April 2019

Reasons to be Cheerful: Beautiful Places #R2BC

R2BC at Mummy from the Heart 

link now starts on a Saturday and Michelle is our lovely hostess this month. I have been out doing so much that I'm only putting mine together at 9PM as its been so busy here. I will just share a few of my reasons to be cheerful since the last link up:

1) Hawkshead 10 k Trail Race

I survived! It wasn't quick but I wasn't last and I had fun on the way:

2) Filming races in beautiful places

On Wednesday I spent an hour up Grisedale Pike to capture moments like this on video:

3) Family Time 

It was great to get out as 3 generations to Sizergh Castle and enjoy this beautiful local spot:

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Thursday, 11 April 2019

Reasons to be Cheerful: Time #R2BC

R2BC at Mummy from the Heart 

The lovely Michelle is hosting for April and from next week the link starts on a Saturday! For once I am apparently ready to post on the Thursday (if I can get my photos from my phone...). With it being the Easter holidays my reasons are all about time:

1) Time to celebrate

At my son's athletics club celebration he was awarded the U13 Sports Hall trophy. This follows on from winning the U11 2 years ago and the U13 fell running trophy for the season! Proves that its more about turning out consistently than being the fastest or best:

2) Time for friends

We travelled down to and across London to visit my school friends and their families. I never tire of seeing the skyline as we cross Waterloo Bridge: 

3) Time for a PB

My son smashed his junior parkrun PB by nearly a minute at Savill Gardens:

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Reasons to be Cheerful: Better late than never! #R2BC

R2BC at Mummy from the Heart 

Its just as well I handed back to Michelle for April as technical hitches and a break means I'm 6 days late! It wasn't me having nothing to smile about and here are just some of my reasons to be cheerful this week:

1) Parkrun tourism

Thanks to my son running a race at Threkeld I managed to make it to my 6th out of 10 Cumbrian parkruns as part of my RMR Challenge. A lovely there and back again route along a disused railway. I chatted to some other lovely tourists and even realised I was in the same race as Carl Bell one of the current top UK fell runners!

2) Proud Mum #1

My son's race was the opening event of this year's FRA Juniors with my son having moved up an age category. Despite being one of the youngest he wasn't last and finished really strongly:

3) Proud Mum #2

There was no rest for my son as on the Sunday he tackled the Elterwater race up Silver Howe with slopes like this: