Thursday, 29 January 2015

Reasons to be Cheerful: End of the Month #R2BC

My last week hosting until March. I will be handing you back to the care of Ojo's World for February. Thanks for joining in this month its been fabulous to see all your positive posts.  

1) Teaching

I am finally relaxing in my teaching practice with the younger ones. We have also had lots of fun with things like visiting birds of prey. Its fascinating to see how young children start to learn English and maths as well as wider subjects. I am doing such a variety of things including teaching singing so no two days are the same. I get to have a lot of fun too:

2) Running

My running is improving so much at the minute. I went out with a younger, fitter friend on Sunday in the pouring rain and broke my 1 km and 1 mile personal bests! It was nice to prove to myself that I can run fast I just need to keep it up. Here is my face when I realised what I had done:

3) Operation House

After a couple of hard work Saturdays things finally seem to be improving in our chaotic home! Even if its just an organised under sink cupboard in the kitchen and my daughter's room having a tidy bookcase:

That'll do for this week! I look forward to reading your posts..

Please join us and share your happiness and grab the badge if you would like it:

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Reasons to be Cheerful 

Monday, 26 January 2015

Striking Mums 2015 - launch post

Kate has challenged us to kick off our Striking Mum's campaigns for 2015 with an introductory post. She has posed some questions for us to answer so here I go:

1. Look at an old photograph of yourself. How does it make you feel? What hopes and dreams did that person have? What things did they enjoy doing? What might this person say to you now?

I was looking at the photo album my mum and son made for me this Christmas with old photos showing my life so far. This set was me as a toddler:

I was so sweet and innocent, full of adventure and keen to learn about the world around me! My granny and I had such a fabulous relationship and I miss having her around. I would say to myself carry on wanting to know how things work and make the most of family whilst you have them. My younger self might ask where some of my adventurous spirit has gone as I am a lot more cautious now!

Saturday, 24 January 2015

#CountryKids in Stratford upon Avon

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

It is about time I wrote about our New Year's Day adventures in Stratford upon Avon. I have already written about our day at Warwick Castle. On the first day of the year I thought it sensible to walk off the excesses of the night before and get some fresh air into all of us. So we left the Youth Hostel for the short walk into town:

It was definitely not a short walk! Luckily we had plenty of things to look at the way in such as lovely houses and eventually the river. It took use over 30 minutes to get into the town and I had two starving children by the time we got there... So we grabbed a bite to eat before exploring the streets of the town.

There is certainly plenty to see and its not all history:

This was directly opposite the Shakespeare birthplace and bookshop. On this occasion we didn't go in properly as there wasn't time to make a worthwhile visit. My children were intrigued by the outside (and the bookshop) though:

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Reasons to be Cheerful the winning edition #R2BC

Feeling more organised this week and I actually got this post ready on time on the right day! That must be a first for 2015...

1) Proud Mummy

I am so impressed with both my children with their sportiness at the minute with my son and his fell running:

And his big sister with her cycling:

Glad I am not bringing up a pair of couch potatoes!

2) Photography

I had a great time taking race photos on Sunday and I really pleased with some of the ones that I took:

3) Winning things

It seems to have been a good week for me on random draw competitions. I have been told that I have won:
  • a hamper of Fentimans traditional fizzy drinks
  • a Miele vacuum from AO
  • an iPhone 6 from The Running Bug

Must go and buy a lottery ticket...

Please join us and share your happiness and grab the badge if you would like it:

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Reasons to be Cheerful 

Monday, 19 January 2015

#CountryKids Kendal Winter Series, Giggleswick Fell Race

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

So proud of my lad that after the upset the week before he was dead keen to run again today. We did have a bit of a worry that we wouldn't get there as the snow was coming down heavily but luckily the roads to Giggleswick were safe enough if slower than normal. This time we arrived in plenty of time to check out the course:

It looked as if they would be running in the falling snow:

Together we walked the first half of the course but chickened out on crossing the ford that was part of the route! Then it was back to the club base for the warm up:

Saturday, 17 January 2015

#CountryKids Biker Girl

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Not to be undone by her brother's outdoor sports this month my daughter asked to go out on her bike today. She was desperate to try out all her new biking gear and her ladies' bike:

She hadn't wanted to wear long trousers but by the time she came home she was frozen! Needless to say we have now ordered long cycling tights....

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Reasons to be Cheeful the windswept edition #R2BC

Right I am a bit behind this week so putting up the linky now and I will add my reasons later!

1) Friendly Runners

I was invited to join a local running group by a fellow Running Bug this week. It was lovely being out with other people. They pushed my normal speed but also someone kept me company when I had to take a breather. So despite the hail I ended the run with a smile:

2) French club

I started an after school French club for the juniors. We started this week and had lots of fun with songs and games. I think my little gouter that I fed them with baguette and honey or jam may have helped. Let us hope that it carries on as well as it started - bonne chance!

3) Just enough snow

To make it pretty:

Please join us and share your happiness and grab the badge if you would like it:

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Reasons to be Cheerful 

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Keep on running #ThisGirlCan

Whilst the workload isn't too heavy (as my next official teaching practice starts on Monday!) I am trying to get as many runs in as possible. Forcing myself out even when the weather is horrid to try and get myself fitter and healthier. So far this week I have managed:

To run 6km without having to walk:

A slightly faster trip around my short loop than at Christmas:

Monday, 12 January 2015

#CountryKids Kendal Winter League, Firbank Fell Under 12 Fell Race

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

After his fell running debut last week my son was very keen to do even better this week. Despite my navigational error we made it to Firbank Fell just in time for the club warm up. 

We didn't have time to inspect the course just a distant look:

There didn't appear to be as many under 12s as the previous week (maybe the wet weather kept some away!):

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Reasons to be Cheerful: Back to School for 2015

Thank you Jo for sorting out last week's linky whilst I was off on a break! Now things are back to normal so hopefully I can keep on hosting for January. 

1) Proud Mum

So proud of my boy in his first fell race on Sunday. Despite being one of the youngest in the field and well down at the finish he kept on going and can't wait to run this weekend. The results from Sunday are finally out and he was 60th out of 63 boys under the age of 12:

2) Running again

It was a bit of break over New Year from running as we were away. So yesterday I went out and ran to my parents' house and back to deliver some bits:

3) Winter in Cumbria

Lots of grey skies and rain at the minute but it was a beautiful afternoon today with a rainbow to kick it off:

Please join us and share your happiness and grab the badge if you would like it:

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Reasons to be Cheerful 

Monday, 5 January 2015

#CountryKids Kendal Winter League Fell Race at Scout Scar

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

On Sunday my son took part in his first fell race as part of the Kendal Winter League which takes place until Easter. He has only been training since November and has a lot to learn but it was a great experience. We got to the Old Racecourse outside Kendal just before 11 to make sure we had plenty of time to park and register. Then we walked up the route so that he knew where to go:

It was such a beautiful spot for a walk on a cold and frosty morning! I almost wished I had my running kit with me to do the adult 5 mile race (almost!):

Scout Scar

Scout Scar