On Thursday this week it's my birthday and just in time for this my parents discovered a whole load of old photographs on my mum's computer which were scanned in from slides! So I can give you a little trip mostly through the 70s but a little bit of the 80s too:

Clockwise from top left:
- With my big brother and my cousin in the late 1970s
- Pushing my second cousin in I think the early 1980s
- Dressed for my school's Scottish Country Dancing team about 1978
- On my uncle's knee with my brother at my Granny's house
- Celebrating my mum's Open University degree about 1979
- All of us in Clothkits on the beach in the mid 1970s
- With my teddy Sebastian in about 1977
- Dressing up with my cousin and brother in Huddersfield in the early 1970s
Some interesting hair styles and changes of fashion during that decade! I still have nice long legs just a shame they aren't as slim...