Thursday, 19 May 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful X (#R2BC)

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

Despite the fact I have a stinking cold I'm still feeling pretty up beat this week so here are the reasons why I am cheerful:

1) Mummy Pride

My daughter for the first time managed to swim a width non-stop using front crawl not once but twice during her lesson on Tuesday! Not sure if it was the incentive of a packet of Malteasers from her teacher for managing a non-stop swim or making sure she stays well ahead of her baby brother who is only one group below her. Whichever it was both she and I were very pleased with her achievement.

So keen she wore her hat and goggles to watch TV!

2) Mummy Love

My 4 year old son has declared that he will always be my baby and that he will live with me for the rest of his life. Can someone please remind him when he is a stroppy teenager what he has said now? 

My son the day he was born

3) Blogging

After the lack of decent posts in April and then the blogger issues last week my blog is back on form. I've obviously been writing more attractive posts or discussing the right issues as my viewing figures have rocketed. I had over 160 page hits yesterday alone!

4) Me

I'm beginning to really feel slimmer and healthier now and its not just the numbers on the scales each week. A month or so ago I was pleased with the fact that I could squeeze myself into a pair of size 14 jeans once again. Now those jeans are feeling much looser and some the belts could do with an extra tighter hole in them. 

Think I'll stop there and let you go and see what other people are happy about this week: