Thursday, 14 February 2019

Reasons to be Cheerful: Fruit Salad, Museum, Fell Running and Puppy #R2BC

R2BC at Mummy from the Heart 

Thank you Michelle for hosting this month. I am actually posting on the right day this week but its a close call! With some stressful moments throughout the week its definitely a good idea to look back at the happier moments...

1) School Cooking

My son started his first 6 week block of catering last Friday. He came home with a yummy fruit salad (and still had all his fingers!):

2) Museum Trip

I was on a school trip to the Museum of Lakeland Life and Industry in Kendal. We were told about how hard it was for Victorian children who had to work from a young age. There was a chance to get up close to some artefacts such as this school exercise book from 1856:

3) Fell Running

I sat for several hours on a hillside filming fell running at Barbondale this weekend. Its lovely getting great feedback and spotting the funny moments whilst editing the films:

4) Puppy Spam

I can't get enough of this little ball of fluff who is developing quite a cheeky character and is becoming known as a sock thief:

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.  R2BC at Mummy from the Heart