This weekend we finally got back around to going camping again after 2 years! Last year with moving house and poor weather we hadn't managed to go. So we dug out the kit, borrowed some of my parents' camping gear and headed off to Callow Top near Ashbourne for a Single With Kids camping weekend. An easy drive down meant that by 8 PM we had the tent and gazebo all set up (with a little help from some other campers) and ready for the weekend:
Eagle eyed readers will spot what it is that is missing from the above shot? I had to do a mad dash to the camp shop and plead with them not to lock up so I could by a regulator! A very helpful man used the photograph so that I could buy the right one and cook our tea (hot dogs in buns).
My son had been playing with some of the other children and my daughter had been off exploring when we were invited to the party tent to sit around the fire and the children were given marshmallows to toast:
At about 11 my son and I decided we were too tired to stay up and retired to our tent. My daughter stayed up a bit longer with some of the older children. The next morning I was up rather early as the sound of birds and sheep seemed really loud! It all looked very peaceful in our part of the camp:
As my matches seemed to have escaped in transit I had to borrow a light for the gas to make my coffee whilst the children still slept. It was lovely sitting in the sun with coffee and a pain au chocolat. Then I walked to the site shop again to buy a decent lighter so I could cook bacon and scrambled eggs for a proper breakfast. Afterwards we all got our swimming gear on and headed for the outdoor pool:
I have to say it wasn't as warm as it looked! We had lots of fun with other children from our group before the pool got too busy. Then after a lovely hot shower for 20p we went back to our tent. I got out the sports stuff and set up a tennis net for the children. It is amazing how much of a draw this was:
We had brought baseball bats, cricket and tennis so there was plenty to entertain them for the weekend:
It was such a laid back day and in the evening my daughter and I rustled up bolognaise on the cooker:
Saturday night was singing night at the party tent. First of all the children were given marshmallows again:
Then we started singing along with Phil who got a few volunteers to join in at the front with the bribe of a sweet:
After a while I went to join a smaller group of parents away from the central area. It was more of a chance to chat to each other and get to know some new people. These camps are a great way to socialise whilst your children are having a good time too so that you can relax.
In the morning I was once again awake far too early which gave me time for another coffee in the sun before cooking the bacon:
It was a chance to contemplate the view in peace and quiet:
As it was low season we didn't have to rush off site by the normal checkout time of 11. Instead we packed up the tent and sleeping things before heading over to the pool again. This time I left the kids to it as I didn't fancy the cold! Afterwards we got take out pizza from the bar to eat back at the camp. This gave us the energy to complete the packing up.
Part way through the weekend I ordered a much larger tent as we have outgrown our little one as a family. We have also booked 2 more trips away with Single With Kids for this summer. I am looking forward to seeing some of our new friends again and having plenty more outdoor fun.
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