Friday, 26 December 2014

#CountryKids Boxing Day Run on The Helm

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Both my children got new sports kit for Christmas and were keen to try it out today! My son got on his running hat and trousers and my daughter her new cycling kit this morning to drag the adults outside:

He and I headed up the hill to The Helm which runs behind Oxenholme. It's quite a steep ascent at first and was very muddy:

 My son was far more sure footed than me and sped up to the top:

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

90 Days of Sober

Now in the past I have signed up for Dry January and Sober in October in order to do myself some good whilst raising money for charity. For next year I am upping the stakes and inviting folks to join me in raising money for the Alzheimer's Society by giving up alcohol for 90 - yes ninety - days from January 2nd to March 31st.

If you want to join me sign up to the team page on JustGiving at 90 Days of Sober Crew or if you just want to sponsor me then that is fine too:

JustGiving - Sponsor me now!

Let's hope I can get enough support to ditch the booze and do my little bit to help a worthwhile cause whilst getting healthy myself!

Monday, 22 December 2014


I was challenged to 5 days of black and white photographs on Instagram this last week. Here is what I came up with:

Over the fence

Post 7.8 km run selfie

Old Hutton

End of term tired face

Christmas movie snuggle

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Reasons to be Cheerful: It's the end of term! #R2BC

Ojos World

Thanks once again to Jo for hosting the linky for December. Hopefully people will find plenty of reasons to be cheerful in this festive season! I am actually on the right day this week:

1) Teaching

Got my formal report and in every area I have improved and in most have moved up a grade which is great to know. I have plenty to work on in January with my new keystage but ended on a good note. Lots of lovely cards and pressies from the children with I think 4 variations on the spelling of my surname... Best comment:
Thank you for teaching us about Islam I've really enjoyed it.
I have agreed to run a French club next half term which is really exciting too.

2) Christmas Service

Term ended on a beautiful note with the Christmas service at church. It was very traditional and included solo singing, musical instruments and readings. Obviously I can't share photos of the actual event so you will have to make do with the beautiful advent ring:

3) The Hobbit

We are big Tolkien fans in this house so just had to see the latest and last Hobbit on the first weekend it was out! A family vote meant that we saw the 3D version and we were all dead excited waiting to get in:

It was amazing piece of cinema with scary bits, great fight scenes and reasons to cry! Wonder what Peter Jackson will do next...

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Monday, 15 December 2014

Getting into the Christmas spirit

After last week's school Christmas plays we really started getting into the Christmas spirit. At the weekend we helped decorate the church Christmas tree:

Then we went into Kendal to check out the Christmas market and buy presents for the family:

My daughter spent a lot of last night wrapping them up! Its useful having an older child who can take away some of the work at Christmas...

Tonight we have assembled our gingerbread house. Cheating due to lack of time and bought a kit:

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Reasons to be Cheerful: Better late than never! #R2BC

Ojos World

Thank you Jo for hosting the linky for December. Hopefully people will find plenty of reasons to be cheerful in this festive season! Slightly belatedly here are mine for this week:

1) Teaching

Finished my first formal teaching practice. Been a bit of a roller coaster but ready for next placement in the New Year in the infants. I even got a Christmas present of a homemade sticky toffee pudding from a pupil!

2) Christmas Plays

The play I have helped to put on went fantastically over its to performances this week. So pleased that everyone's hard work was worth it:

My children had their show over two nights and I saw the final performance from the front row. With one in year 6 she had a major speaking role:

Little brother in his junior debut was a dancing chimney sweep:

Very proud of all them and the entire cast and crew!

3) Christmas party fun

I was out last night with my university colleagues to celebrate the end of placement and Christmas with a festive dinner. It was just down the road from my house so I could walk there. We had a lovely evening with good company, great food and a disco. We even had a secret Santa. My daughter just screamed in angst when she saw what I got:

At least it will be safe in the staffroom!

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Saturday, 6 December 2014

#CountryKids Langdale Christmas Pudding Fun Run

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

As I was due to run a long race my son came along to Langdale for his fun run:

He was dead chuffed to get number 1:

In the end over a 100 people took part in the fun run from toddlers to adults with disabilities but they all lined up together:

Friday, 5 December 2014

Toy Review: Ravensburger 3D Puzzle Big Ben

Sponsored Post

Having previously had experience of Ravensburger 3D Puzzles we were very pleased to be asked to review the Big Ben one. I set my children and my dad on a mission to construct it as they really enjoy puzzles together. As the puzzle is aimed at 10-99 year olds it was a perfect activity for grandchildren and grandfather!

Apparently the hardest bit of the puzzle was sorting out the numbered plastic pieces into consecutive numbers to aid construction. Once they had done this the building went quite quickly:

Ravensburger 3D Big Ben

The fact that you can put together sections separately means that several people can work on the puzzle at the same time:

Ravensburger 3D Big Ben

The actual assembly is pretty straight forward as the plastic pieces very easily click into place:

Ravensburger 3D Big Ben

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Reasons to be Cheerful: Feeling festive #R2BC

Ojos World

Thank you Jo for hosting the linky for December. Hopefully people will find plenty of reasons to be cheerful in this festive season! Here are mine for this week:

1) Teaching

Things are starting to come together with my teaching now. Its hard to get it alright every time with planning an effective lesson for pupils to learn with good differentiation whist being creative! I don't get it all right all the time but things are improving and I am certainly improving on making my lessons exciting and different.. I managed to combine World War Two with gymnastics this week..

My best subject so far is French and I am looking forward to teaching the little ones next term. I was even told that I sounded French by a child who is half French themselves! 

2) Christmas Plays

My children are both rehearsing hard for their production next week whilst I am doing my bit to help at my school. So much work behind the scenes to create props and today I helped to paint the backdrop:

3) Family Fun

Its all a bit manic at the moment but we all had a great time at a disco in Staveley on Friday night. My daughter was invited by her friend and we all went along! There was a table of parents so I got plenty of adult conversation, my daughter danced the night away and my son was mucking about with the younger boys:

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Thursday, 27 November 2014

Reasons to be Cheerful November's nearly over #R2BC

Thank you Jo for sorting out last week's linky whilst I was busy on my teaching practice! She will be running the linky for December.

1) Proud Mum #1

My son smashed his PB again at Fell Foot Parkrun knocking another 30 seconds off his time, this time he didn't let me slow him down so much and hared off after his friend! His time of 31 minutes and 30 seconds is a time that is faster than my all time record for 5k so I guess I need to get in shape to catch him..

2) Proud Mum #2

My daughter (who hates running) took part in a cross country competition for her school. Proud of her for giving it a go even though its not her sport and she is not a natural runner. Wonder if she will have another go...

3) New guinea pig hutch

The guinea pig hutch we were kindly given earlier this year was showing signs of age and falling apart. So we acquired a newer one that will keep the furry members of our family safe outside until winter fully sets in:

Please join us and share your happiness and grab the badge if you would like it, don't forget the Google+ community too:

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Reasons to be Cheerful 

Saturday, 22 November 2014

#CountryKids Sporty Saturday at Fell Foot Park

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

As regular readers know my son and I run Fell Foot Parkrun every Saturday. Big sister is a marshal so we all take part. Today there it was a slightly smaller field than normal on a damp morning with muddy conditions. Both of the runners had acquired trail shoes to cope with the slippery footing:

I wasn't feeling as fit as last week and my son stayed in front of me all the way around! I came in slightly slower than my PB but still my second fastest on the course:

Official times due on Monday so looking forward to seeing how my son did! 

Meanwhile having marshalled my daughter decided it was her turn to have some sporty fun and stripped down to her wet suit: