Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Guest Post: Look who’s talking
Thursday, 25 July 2013
Guest Post: Our favourite day out
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Guest Post: Always Look on the Bright Side
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Saturday, 20 July 2013
#CountryKids in the River Kent
With the end of term approaching there weren't going to be many opportunities for after school swimming in the river at Staveley so on Tuesday I made sure that the children's swimming things were in the car. It was another hot day so they were very pleased to get in and cool off:
There a couple of tempting rope swings that others have put above the river:
My son hasn't yet had the confidence to have a proper go:
Big sister has no such fear:
He did get brave enough to get this far into the water:
Big sister went further and actually swam:
We are very lucky to have a safe swimming spot that the children can use in hot weather under adult supervision. There are plenty of stories in the news about people dying when swimming in unsafe places but hopefully my children know to watch out for warning signs.
Friday, 19 July 2013
Use your local forest to cheaply entertain the children this summer
I had this timely press release from the Forestry Commission this week:
New Survey Reveals Parents ‘Dread the Cost of Summer Holidays’
Families are being invited to enjoy public forests this summer, after a new survey shows parents dread the cost of entertaining their children during the school break.
Thursday, 18 July 2013
Reasons to be cheerful: Royal edition

I am amazed how many things Michelle found to be cheerful about just from one day this week! Then again mine are all from yesterday's royal visit by Her Majesty the Queen and the Princess Royal to Kendal. I am very much a royalist so I was glad their visit worked out as being when I wasn't in work. This is mostly a pictorial edition:
Crowds gathered from about 9 to get a good vantage point:
There were plenty of flag waving/screaming school children though some got tired of waving flags after an hour's wait:
As we were down hill it was hard to tell if things were starting to happen but there were plenty of local big wigs and soldiers around whilst we waited:
Eventually we got a tantalising glimpse of Her Majesty in a bright turquoise outfit:
She was doing a proper good Royal walkabout with Princess Anne following behind.
After what seemed like forever the Royal Party headed down the hill closer to us to receive their bouquets:
Just as we thought we were going to get really close thebroyalncar turned up:
So we had to make do with pictures through the car windows as they passed us:
It was an amazing atmosphere and the soldiers on parade got a huge round of applause as they marched off:
Made me proud to be British!
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Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Weigh in Wednesday Week 11
After a gap due to missing my aerobics last week it's back to me in Lycra! This time it's a post workout selfie as my kids on strike again:
It's not been a brilliant week exercise wise as due to lack of time and an injury the only real workout I did was the Race for Life. Luckily all the picnics and refreshing glasses of cider must have been balanced out as I lost 1/2 pound over the fortnight. Not a huge amount but not bad considering!
So now I enter the danger zone - 6 weeks off work at home with the children. I nearly always gain weight over the break so its a good test of the thinking slimmer pods. Will I manage to eat sensibly and not pig out whilst enjoying time as a family...
There is going to be a bit of a pause in weigh posts as I'm shutting off the laptop and iPad for the first couple of weeks of the holidays! So you'll have to wait a while to see how I do...
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
Toy Review: Dr Who Playset
We are big Dr Who fans in this house so when I was offered a chance to review a new Dr Who Cold War Playset and characters I jumped at the chance. Then I had my daughter asking every day if the parcel had arrived! When it did she was very keen to rip open the packaging:
We were out and about at the time so the characters got a chance to admire Windermere:
The Playset came with the armour-less Ice Warrior (top) and the armoured one was separate. My daughter wasn't sure that the size of the armour would be big enough for the unprotected one.
That night I had to construct the Playset itself. I don't have a good track record on these and the fasteners went flying but eventually it was done:
It clearly is the inside of the Russian submarine from the TV episode complete with TARDIS:
The set is around £9.99 which is a reasonable price. It's not able to cope with robust play but perfect for acting out scenes from the show. We just need to acquire the right size Doctor and Clara to fit it from the 3.75 inch range. Our current Doctors are from a slightly larger series... However the ice warriors are the perfect size:
My daughter has found that the characters can be neatly stored in the missile silo too! A good fun set for recreating scenes from this episode. You would need to add a second character for about £6.99 but I think my daughter will get hours of fun from it. Just watch that it doesn't need reassembly too often from rough play...
The other item we received was River Song's future sonic screwdriver from her encounter with the 10th Doctor. All fans need at least one screwdriver and this is the funkiest looking:
Not only does it look good it has sound effects and lights up:
This is something my children have argued over which is a good sign of a popular toy. Again these are around £9.99 so not too expensive.
My daughter has definitely given these the thumbs up and quickly took them all to her room. I think they are all a great addition to any dedicated child Whovian's collection. Think that someone will be wanting more from this range for her birthday...
Monday, 15 July 2013
Scottish Power's High 5 Challenge and the Race for Life #high5challenge
For all the High 5 Challenge bloggers at Heaton Park
1. | Lakes Single Mum | 3. | Science Geek Chic | 5. | My Mummys Pennies Race for Life 2013 | |
2. | Nickie | 4. | Race for Life 2013 - Grumpyishmum |
Sunday, 14 July 2013
Saturday, 13 July 2013
#CountryKids at Tower Wood
Back in the days when councils had money to spend on leisure activities Lancashire County Council bought Tower Wood on the shores of Windermere (then in the county of Lancashire and now in Cumbria). My colleague's husband works there and I was told about the Water Days last weekend. We made it on the Sunday and it cost us each £6 for a day of trying out various activities on the lake.
As it was a wet activity I couldn't take a camera on the water which was a real shame. My daughter first of all headed off in a one person dinghy and was soon getting the hang of sailing. My son and I went out in a double canoe that I was assured was very hard to capsize! He wasn't too keen on this mode of travel so made me come back in quite quick..
Then we went on a funboat which he was steering and I did very little! There wasn't much wind so we had to be towed back to shore...my son really loved the sailing.
We queued for ages for the metal Canadian canoes then neither child wanted a turn! So I joined the queue to be taken out to one of the larger sailing vessels whilst the children paddled in the water. Eventually we were taken out to The Legend in the safety speed boat:
This was one of my favourite parts of the day as I got to steer her backwards and forwards across the lake! I could have spent all day out on her.. Instead I once again queued up to go on the Funboat with my son at the tiller. My daughter opted for a second go in kayaks - her favourite activity of the day despite (or because of) capsizing and getting a swim!
Sadly the day ended and we had no more time to go out on the water. My daughter now wants a kayak and my son a Funboat so they had better start saving up! I'd love to encourage them to continue making use of our fabulous water sports up here so hopefully I can find some way round the cost..