Friday, 19 April 2013

Fitness Fanatics Fridays Week 1

I have decided to join in with A Summer Full of Peaches Fitness Fanatics Fridays linky to help inspire me to keep up the fitness training! Now I have never in my life been described as fitness fanatic - at uni I 'd play rugby then sink 6 pints in the pub afterwards... but things can change and so can I!

My training for my charity run has been changing me a bit as I am finding how much I enjoy running! Having not been able to run for more than a very short distance I am now running for up to 35 minute without stopping or 2 lots of 20 minutes with a short break in between. If you want to see how I am doing then I am on MapMyRun.

To give me the impetus to keep this up I got my daughter to photograph me in my running kit this morning. I deliberately didn't breathe in:

So after 2 months of running I have got into the next size down running top but its a long way to go! So how am I planning on keeping it up and getting those wobbly bits off?

I have been asked to use the Thinking Slimmer slimpods to use my sub conscious to get the weight off. I never stick to diets for long and I've lost the same 1/2 stone several times in the last 18 months. The slimpods are designed to retrain the brain to finally lose the weight for good! There is also a fit pod to help me keep motivated and a chill pod to unwind with. I have set my goals:

On Sunday I have a whole day boot camp which should help give a real kick start to the fitness regime. Watch this space..