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I was one of the lucky bloggers picked to receive a Zoobles toy for review on my blog. My daughter's face was a picture when she saw what I had been sent as she has seen adverts on the TV for these but hadn't been given one. This particular Zooble is called Unga and she has a baby called Bunga. When they come out of the box they look like this:
Having seen the adverts my daughter knew that she had to place the closed Zooble on the magnetic platform on its Happitat and then she would pop open to reveal her baby:
Whilst my daughter was playing with Unga and Bunga there were several grown-ups watching as I had visitors round. One was a young lady in her 20s who was quite jealous that she was too old to have one herself! The older generation were impressed that the set is quite a compact one and self contained.
My daughter has been quite happy to play with her Zoobles and they aren't taking up a lot of space in house! She got excited about discoveries such as the fact that the Zoobles have feet that pop out. Since she got Unga she had looked into getting some more to start a collection. There do seem to be quite a variety of sets available from around £5.99 to £24.99.
They are designed for girls aged 4-9 and have only recently been launched in the UK. Most of the major retailers and toyshops already seem to have plenty of choice. With TV adverts on most commercial channels they are probably going to be the latest pester toy for parents of girls of this age. It's a very girlie toy and with its colours and design its bound to appeal to many.