I am so glad I am doing the weekly photo as this week there was a really noticeable difference from my start photo until Saturday. They say it takes about 4 weeks to really see a change and this was definitely it:
As I have said before I am not following any particular programme with my diet but trying to be much more sensible and maybe only having boiled eggs for tea if I am not very hungry:
On Sunday I roped in Gramps to babysit so I could attempt my first 10k since June 2016! As you can see by my face I was very pleased to manage it:
I am using Jeff Galloway's run/walk intervals and it is really helping me:
I went out with the juniors on Wednesday and found it less of a struggle to keep up! Then on Thursday I went out and ran a 5k around town:
I am definitely feeling a lot fitter and I wonder what the scales will say tomorrow as they stuck last week!